Today’s search term

Washington state “fuck bugs”

Search term of the day, the quotes included. I saw this and went WTF? I couldn’t imagine what someone was looking for or how that got them to my blog. So I did what any good investigator would do, I Google it.

I still have no idea what they were looking for but my blog came in ninth on Google for Washington state “fuck bugs. Considering I was at the bottom of the page I’m guessing they didn’t find whatever they were looking for. I wish WordPress would have a button or someway for us to email these people and ask them “what the hell were you looking for?”


Search terms going commando

I love it when people do posts about their blog’s strange and funny search terms.

Going commando is always at the top of mine. I love you people, keeping it classy!

Some of my favorites are:

  1. put my combat boots on and go commando ~I think I might have to do more commanding posts, they seem to be popular.
  2. stress relieving by using filament ~No I don’t recommend this. Use a sock or something.
  3. ass tights ~OK might be related to the commando thing, I think I’ll take this as a compliment.
  4. “short men” ~The quotations are not mine. Not a clue, personally I like tall men.
  5. chickens dying in a nice way ~Please don’t call PETA.
  6. butt pad diaper ~Uhm, well there is a definite maybe a trend here.
  7. cycling long tights instead of shaving ~Yeah I hate shaving too.
  8. drag queen leg shaving ~All right maybe a shaving thing too. Do I post about shaving a lot? Funny because I don’t do it much.
  9. she spit no floor told me to clean it?
  10. ephemerol flu vaccine ~Yeah and get tested too while you’re at it.
  11. yes i am a bitch, just not yours ~I love this one. Maybe this should be my motto! 

So have you ever gone and looked at your search engine terms? What is the weirdest thing that you seen? The funniest?

I also get a lot of Demi Moore/pixie haircut, but that is boring.